Celebrate Summer

Summertime is the perfect excuse to gather as a community and catch up with your neighbors. Here are a few ideas to start your summer off with a bang:

·       See how many kiddie parades and hometown celebrations you can check off your bucket list.

·       Proudly display your American flag on Flag Day and the Fourth of July. If you don’t have a flag yet, some veterans clubs may offer them for free. Make it a teachable moment by having the kiddos count the stars and stripes.

·       Enjoy free, live music at a city fest. Pack a picnic and eat dinner outdoors while you enjoy the concert.

·       Try making your own ice cream. Not only is this delicious, but it’s a fun science experiment! Google – homemade ice cream in a bag…

·       Visit a market to support local farmers. Let the kids pick out a fresh fruit or veggie of their choice. It’s amazing what new foods will eat when kids have a part in the picking.

·       Dazzle the kids with a fireworks display. When my kids were little, we dressed them in jammies and watched the show from the car for a quick get away. Bonus: no mosquitoes!

Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

Beverly Gillen